The Contracting Parties will assist each other in endeavours to make the culture of one Party better known in the territory of the other by means of cultural publicity such as:
(d) Dramatic performances;
(e) Radio, films, gramophone records and other mechanical means of reproduction.
The Mixed Commission shall make its own rules of procedure.
One of the first tasks of the Mixed Commission shall be to draw up detailed proposals for the application of the present Convention which will then be considered by the Contracting Governments. At its further meetings the Commission shall review the position and draw up further proposals or suggest modifications to its previous recommendations, for consideration by the Contracting Governments.
The present Convention shall be ratified. The ex-change of the instrument of ratification shall take place in London. The Convention shall enter into force on the l5th day after the exchange of the instruments of ratification.
The present Convention shall remain in force for a minimum period of five years. Thereafter, if not denounced by either Contracting Party. not less than six months before the expiry of that period , it shall remain in force until the expire of six months from the date on which either Contracting Party has given notice of denunciation.
In witness whereof the undersigned. being duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present Convention and affixed hereto their seals.
Paulo Cunha.
Convenção, cultural entre Portugal e o Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e da Irlanda do Norte
O Governo da República Portuguesa e o Governo do Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e da Irlanda do Norte,
Desejando concluir unia Convenção com o fim de promoverem nos seus respectivos países, por intercâmbio e cooperarão amigáveis, um conhecimento o uma compreensão tão completos quanto possível das actividades intelectuais, artísticas e cientificas e dos costumes e da vida social do outro país,
Acordaram no seguinte:
Cada uma das Partes Contratantes compromete-se a fomentar, na medida do possível, a criação, nas suas Universidades e escolas superiores, de cátedras, institutos e leitorados para o estudo da língua, literatura o história do país da outra Parte Contratante.
Cada uma das Partes Contratantes terá o direito de fundar institutos culturais no território da outra Parte, sob condirão de serem observadas as disposições da lei