Paper submission

Deadline September 2, 2012

We require full papers (max. length: 12 pages conforming to these guidelines) to be submitted, describing original research related to the topics of the workshop. The closing date for submission is September 2, 2012.

The language of ACRH-2 is English, and all papers should be submitted in well-checked English. Papers must be submitted in PDF format only. Please, note that as reviewing will be double-blind, the papers should not include the authors' names and affiliations or any references to web-sites, project names etc. revealing the authors' identity. Furthermore, any self-reference should be avoided. For instance, instead of "We previously showed (Brown, 2001)...", use citations such as "Brown previously showed (Brown, 2001)...". Each submitted paper will be reviewed by three members of the program committee. Submitted papers can be for oral or poster presentations (with or without demo). There is no difference between the different kinds of presentation both in terms of reviewing process and publication in the proceedings (the limit of 12 pages holds for both oral and poster presentations).

Submissions should be made via via the EasyChair page of ACRH-2. If you do not have an EasyChair account yet, you will first need to register at EasyChair.

LaTeX Users

The style guidelines follow the specifications of the TLT workshops.
Please use the following template and do not change margins, indentations or line spacing: LaTeX empty template file , LaTeX example file , PDF.

MS Word and Open Office Users

The formatting should match the example document (PDF) as closely as possible. In particular, the following specifications should be met:

* Paper: A4
* Margins: 1.75" (top, bottom, left and right)
* Font: Times
* Font size: 11pt
* Title and author top center (Final version only)
* Single column
* Sections numbered 1, 1.1, etc.
* Indentation of paragraphs (except if after a heading)
* No page numbering
* Abstract: 9pt, indent 0.27" (left, right)
* Footnotes: 9pt


The workshop proceedings (with an ISBN) will printed by publisher Edições Colibri and will be made available online in time for the workshop.